We are just as excited as you are to receive your new product. Shipping times can vary and we work very closely with our carriers FedEx & UPS to ensure you receive your order as soon as possible. Please allow 2-4 business days for your order to process at our warehouse before shipping. Orders that are shipped via ground shipping typically arrive in 5-7 business days while orders shipped via expedited shipping will arrive in about 2-4 business days. *Please note that carrier processing can impact these time frames. Deliveries to APO addresses may take longer than 5-7 business days. In addition, your order may be sent in multiple shipments.
APO, FPO, or DPO shipments with USPS may take up to 45 days to deliver per their shipping guidelines. USPS is the only courier used for military and diplomatic mail.
- If you will not be at your shipping address when the order arrives, you can contact the carrier with the tracking number and request a hold at the nearest on-site location.
- If the order is not received, it will be returned to our warehouse and you will be contacted by one of our reps on how to proceed. If we do not receive a response within 48 hours, the product will be restocked and you will be refunded.